
He need some milk soundbyte
He need some milk soundbyte

Burn it all down for their own cause, everyone else be damn. He’s the political equivalent of the religious fundamentalists that want to end the world to bring Jesus back to earth. He was so giddy to show the one poll that had Biden up by less than 5 points (ignoring he’s still up!) See it’s his way or nothing and he has a very nihilistic view of politics. Instead of supporting Democrats and continuing to push for more Progressive wins of people like Jamal Bowman and Cori Bush, thereby increasing the chances that more Progressive legislation will pass, he’d rather see Republicans win and get nothing he wants, regardless of how many millions of people are hurt in the process. He believes that if center left Democrats lose the election it’s going to trigger a great wave of far left candidates winning all over the country, even though there’s no evidence that going further left will flip some districts from red/purple to blue. TGW is a Bernie Bro that sees no difference between anyone slightly right of Fidel Castro and Republicans. This has been discussed ad nausea on this forum. let's listen to TGW and try and understand why he feels so strongly about this.

  • Animated vine compilations using characters from other sources are rather popular, like this Overly Sarcastic Productions one.Zonkerbl wrote:oh come on duck.
  • Extremely uncomfortable/cursed posts on social media are often reacted to with "I wish I was Jared, 19."
  • "What up, I'm Jared, I'm 19, and I never fucking learned how to read" explanation A vine that's about exactly what it sounds like.
  • No brooos, chillin' in a hot tuuub, it is empty, cause they're not there! Explanation A follow-up vine sung to the same tune, except the hot tub is now empty.
  • Originally from an Anthony Padilla vine, where he sung this while filming to guys who, despite presumably being friends, were sitting on opposite sides of a hot tub.
  • Two brooos, chillin' in a hot tuuub, five feet apart, 'cause they're not gay! Explanation Used when two people of the same gender are engaging in Have I Mentioned I Am Heterosexual Today?.
  • Often preceded by "and they were roommates". Explanation Used when two characters, particularly if they're shipped, are roommates. Explanation There's no real explanation as to why this is so popular on Vine - sometimes it works, sometimes it's just obnoxious. "Yeet" eventually became slang for throwing something with great force.
  • This bitch empty! YEET! Explanation Comes from this Vine, which shows a woman being given an empty can of soda, and throwing it away in frustration in a packed hallway.
  • He also pronounces "tortilla" with a hard L ("tor-till-a") instead of the proper Spanish pronunciation ("tor-tee-ya").

    he need some milk soundbyte

    Hurricane Katrina? More like Hurricane Tortilla! Explanation Comes from this Vine, where a kid tries to get a pack of tortilla chips from the top of a pantry shelf, but ends up dropping it right in his arms.I'm gay! Explanation A random iDubbbz TV sound byte that fits into song remixes and random clips from movies a lot better than it should."Road work ahead? Er, yeah, I sure hope it does.".I'M RICK HARRISON AND THIS IS MY PAWN SHOP.In particular, the kid playing kazoo horribly. "You know what, I think we're gonna be friends Explanation A scene from an educational video, which got notability on Vine for the children's very bad acting.Hello, you people know a lot about trucks, Bing bing bong bing bong, Thank you very much.Two people in Spiderman costumes, slapping their asses."Iridociclytus" Explanation A kid is asked during a spelling bee how to spell the word iridociclytus."He needs some milk!" Explanation Comes from this video, became popular in Vines adding the audio clip into any random injury video."They are my crocs." Explanation One vine has a grandma deliver this follow-up in a very serious tone after being asked.The meme was started after a video of someone doing it to a police officer at a traffic stop went viral. WHAT ARE THOOOOOOOOOOOSE!? Explanation A line meant to be said overly dramatically while pointing at someone's shoes, to mock their choice of footwear.

    he need some milk soundbyte he need some milk soundbyte

    "Hey! Hey, hey, kids! Kids! PA TRI CIA!!! " note "Honey, can you be quiet? I'm just trying to do something.".Thomas Sanders' series: "Disney pranks! (with friends)", Pokemon pranks! (with friends) and 'Narrating People's Lives' - "Storytime!".The original line is "A tornado flew around my room before you came". Explanation A mishearing of Frank Ocean's "Thinkin Bout You". A potato flew around my room before you came.Everything from the way the kid swings his arms to the way he says "21" (often translated as "twenni wan" or "twenny wun") has turned into a meme.

    He need some milk soundbyte